My color is green as envy,
Green for health,
Green for wealth
The green of life.
I am alive.
I feel every emotion
With every bodily motion,
I know I live.
Every breath I take is confirmation that I am human.
Every time I blink,
Each time I think,
I celebrate my existence.
My color is blue,
Blue as water,
Blue as calm.
I yearn to be refreshed with food for the soul,
To quench my thirst for knowledge
With intellectual conversations or challenging confrontations.
Steadfast and firm
Light and calm
Blue is my color.
Sometimes I am yellow
Cheerful and happy
Yellow as sunshine.
Purple is my color
A sign of nobility and spirituality.
Unique in my own way,
Proud of my individuality
I respect the Supreme authority;
The Lord Almighty.
I am His and because of this, I am part of a royal blood line.
Purple as mysterious,
Never too close,
I keep my distance
A stranger to the closest of my friends,
I am purple.
Black is my skin,
Inconsistent yet beautiful,
Black as darkness,
Black as night.
Contrary to popular belief,
My black is not evil,
My black is flawless,
My black is African
Courageous and playfully rebellious.
I am black.
I am not defined by a rainbow
Directed by a skillful composition of colors
My color is chaotic.
A mix of dangerous red,
Girly pink,
Tranquil turquoise,
Earth brown,
Fierce orange.
My color is complex,
This is my color.